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James and Casey Morris of Morrisvale Limousin Stud operate out of their leased property in Narrikup, WA. They run approximately 60 stud females and 80 commercial females. James and Casey also manage Quicksilver Charolias and Droughtmaster stud in Narrikup. This is a family organisation that is spread over 3 shires within a 400km radius. The Narrikup property runs the Charolias Stud (80 females) and 200 commercial females (with approx 100 each year being used for embryo programs). They also AI approx 60-80 heifers each year across all the operations combined.
James and Casey have been using Multimin for approximately 10 years and love the results. They are interested this year to trial with calves growth rates.
Number of head: 50 approximately
Initial treatment: 20 April 2020
First data collection:Weighed in 6 weeks
Objective: To see the difference in weight gain through using Multimin and B12+Selenium
Number of head: 60 approximately
Initial treatment: 20 April 2020
First data collection Weighed in 6 weeks
Objective: To see the difference in weight gain through using Multimin and B12+Selenium
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